Rental Properties in Athens

“Generation of Renters” in Athens Based on data compiled by the Bank of Greece, from 1998 and until 2019, residential prices in Greece grew by a total of 57%, even after an average fall of 44% during the era of the financial crisis, which lasted from early 2009 and up until the end of 2017. […]

Buying a House or Property in Greece

Buying property in Greece is a life-long dream for the majority of locals. As a result, the country has one of the biggest percentage of owner-occupied properties in the EU (72.3% based on the latest Eurostat data). However, over the course of the past few years, buying interest has intensified by people from other countries […]

High Yield investments in Greece

Which investments in property return the highest yields? According to the latest available data from research firm Numbeo (First Half of 2020), renting an apartment in the center of Athens offers a gross annual yield of 4.35%, when the Greek 10-year bond is now trading at levels well below 1% (0.63% as of December of […]

A House Hunting Guide to Athens Neighbourhoods

A quick Guide to Popular Athens Neighbourhoods Athens’ city center and the southern and northern suburbs of the capital are the areas with the highest demand among property investors, or those looking for a house for own use. However, one shouldn’t forget digital “nomads”, i.e. people who are expected to arrive from abroad (Greeks or […]

Buying Property In Greece as an Investment

The increasing allure of the Greek real estate market among foreign investors is due to a number of factors. First of all, the Greek economy has now exited from the deep financial crisis of the previous years, while it also completed a series of reforms, aiming towards modernization. As a result, up until the pandemic […]

Buying a Summer House in Greece

Demand for summer houses in Greece, especially for luxury villas in popular destinations has skyrocketed during the last few years, as a result of the rise in tourists’ numbers in the country. Prices for summer houses in high-demand islands, like Mykonos, Santorini, Corfu and Crete have began their steady ascend, already since 2017. Most buyers […]